Our team here at Shafouri Law will help you get the compensation you deserve and your life back on track. We also understand that each client and case is unique and deserves specific attention and care. This is also means that we will respond to your phone calls, letters and e-mails in a timely fashion and provide you with clear answers to your questions, allowing you to focus on your recovery.
For our personal injury claim clients, we work on contingency, which means YOU PAY US NOTHING out of pocket, rather we only get paid if and when we settle your claim.
We provide a FREE consultation to personal injury claimants! For Personal Injury claimants our firm will have someone meet you where it is most convenient for YOU. Call NOW to book an appointment!
We offer services in English, Farsi and Mandarin (Chinese)
如果您或您的亲友不幸遭遇了车祸或意外事故,请及时联系Melika Shafouri 律师为您争取您的索赔权益。 Melika Shafouri 律师在车祸,意外事故,和民事诉讼邻域有丰富的经验。 她善于精准地把握案件中每一个重要的环节, 为您在车祸事故或民事诉讼中争取最大的利益。 Shafouri 律所的专业法律团队将尽心尽力地为您提供优质,人性化的法律服务。
您是否因遭遇了车祸或意外事故而倍感无奈? 您是否因此被迫无法继续工作?您是否能够获得最大程度地治疗?如果这些问题正困扰着您,请随时联系Shafouri 律所,安排一次免费的法律咨询, 让我们的专业法律团队为您排忧解难。 我们的律所提供英语,国语,和波斯语的法律服务。
Shafouri Law Firm
161 Frederick Street, Suite 201
Toronto, ON M3A 4P3
我们的律所位于多伦多市中心的老城区,紧邻George Brown College, 离圣劳伦斯集市仅约5分钟的步行路程。 您也可以在King Station 乘坐公交车 304,503,504,或514到Sherbourne Street,全程不到10分钟。 相信我们诚信的法律服务会为您开启更美好的生活。